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I am totally new to android application development, I want to develop a sample map application using android studio

I followed the tutorial as such in http://android.rzeszow.net/?p=79 and the code is same

the emulator is GoogleAPI level 18

Once it ran and only + and - appeared on the map

Now in whichever emulator i try to run ( tried from google api level 13 to 18)


I have done the solutions given in various stack overflow pages, but nothg seemed to work

Please suggest a solution

like image 561
karthi Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 21:12


1 Answers

Remove the unnecessary <uses-library> element from your manifest. Clearly you have one, which is triggering this error. Maps V2 does not need such an element.

like image 64
CommonsWare Avatar answered Dec 23 '22 16:12
