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Android failed to export application

I have problem when trying to sign my application in release mode from over two/three days now. I've tried everything which I find as an information in internet/stackoverflow and nothing worked for me. I've update my whole SDK, update proguard to 4.7 version, checked for jar files and conflict packages, but can't find any solution. I have included library to my main project,but 'till now I did not have any problems with signing my application.

Any ideas what else I can try so I can solve this problem, because I'm still reading some information over internet and still can't find any solution.

P.S. I did not have problem with building debug version and running on device. The only problem I get is only when I try to sign my application on release mode and I get Failed to export application error.

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Android-Droid Avatar asked Feb 08 '12 09:02


1 Answers

For me, the answer of Jmart was the good one. You can easily have rotten file name in your project.

Whatever, I post an answer because, as Android-Droid I was stuck with the common message "Failed to export applicaiton".

But by trying to export my app without signature (see the screenshot under), this time it gaves me explanation on the error ! Whereas it don't say anything when you sign with the wizard.

enter image description here

Hope it helps others like me !

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Tancrede Chazallet Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Tancrede Chazallet