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Android expandable GridView like Google images

I would like to create expandable GridView which will behave similar to Google images page. I would like to know how can I achieve such functionality: when I click one of the images, page expands and shows details of the picture. Is it possible to do something similar in Android?

Images grid: Google Images

Expanded images grid: Google Images Expanded

like image 854
Ziem Avatar asked Feb 21 '13 08:02


1 Answers

I think the reason you haven't received any responses is because of the wording of the question. When I first saw it I thought, something similar to expandable listview. See this tutorial.

But anyway, to achieve what you want, you need to set the "expansion" function in the OnClickListener in your GridView. I would suggest have a dialog activity with the layout you need (image with text/links/etc) and on each item click, popup the dialog. It will look very similar to what Google images has.

like image 166
The Hungry Androider Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 18:10

The Hungry Androider