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Android developer console takes ages to update?

I released an application yesterday to the Android market, however I've hit a few issues when updating my app and tracking information via the developers console. First of all, when I update my app (either the APK or just information about it), the information seemingly takes a very long time to actually hit the market. Is this normal, or is it just because my app is new?

The other issue I'm having is that the developer console is telling me I have 0 downloads, when I know for a fact that isn't true. Furthermore, a friend told me he had rated/commented but the console is only showing 1 rating/comment, which is from someone else.

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AaronDS Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 20:12


1 Answers

The only ans to your question is YES IT CAN DELAY. Sometime it can lead upto or more than 5-6 hours before you see your changes in the market.

The actual time taken to see the update on the devices can differ too b/w various platforms like 1.5, 2.2.2 etc.

So dont worry give it sometime and then check it. It will eventually update....Still better than Apple where it takes around a week.

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havexz Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10
