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Android: Detect Orientation Changed


I need to detect an orientation change in my application, but I don't want my layout to be changed from portrait to landscape. Currently I'm using the OrientationEventListener however detecting the orientation angle is not enough. I want to detect that the user changed from portrait to landscape or viceversa, and that is not just detecting if the orientation angle is 90 or 270.

I want to do the same detection that the Android does to change the activity's orientantion. I tried overriding onConfigurationChanged and check if orientantion is landscape/portrait, however this still changes my activity layout to landscape.

Is there a way to use onConfigurationChanged but force the layout to stay in portrait?
Is there another way to detect orientantion change without using OrientationEventListener. Ultimately I can implement my own orientation changed algorithm, any ideas on this? It has to be something more complex than if(90-THRESHOLD <= orientation <= 90+THRESHOLD), I want to detect if the user made the complete movement Portrait->Landscape or Landscape->Portrait.

Thanks for the help,

like image 691
ffleandro Avatar asked Nov 23 '11 19:11


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1 Answers

Ok, after trying to use the Android API and not being able to do what I need, I implemented my own algorithm and actually it wasn't that complicated: I used a OrientationEventListener, and calculated if the orientation is in the 4 orientation points (in my code I only detect LANDSCAPE_RIGHT and PORTRAIT_UP:

orientationListener = new OrientationEventListener(context, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI) {         public void onOrientationChanged(int orientation) {             if(canShow(orientation)){                 show();             } else if(canDismiss(orientation)){                 dismiss();             }         }     };  @Override public void onResume(){     super.onResume();     orientationListener.enable(); }  @Override public void onPause(){     super.onPause();     orientationListener.disable(); }  private boolean isLandscape(int orientation){         return orientation >= (90 - THRESHOLD) && orientation <= (90 + THRESHOLD);     }  private boolean isPortrait(int orientation){     return (orientation >= (360 - THRESHOLD) && orientation <= 360) || (orientation >= 0 && orientation <= THRESHOLD); }  public boolean canShow(int orientation){     return !visible && isLandscape(orientation); }  public boolean canDismiss(int orientation){     return visible && !dismissing && isPortrait(orientation); } 
like image 98
ffleandro Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
