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Android desktop log viewer

People also ask

How do I view system logs on Android?

Log messages can be viewed in a Logcat window in Android Studio, or you can use the command line tool to pull them. Several Android apps are also available in the Google Play store that allow easy access to these tools.

What is the app log viewer?

Android log viewer is the tool to simplify analysis of the Android logs. You can check the source code of the application at the official repository at Bitbucket here or visit directly the downloads zone to download the latest version of the application.

Desktop tool for reading android logcat log file, the same as DDMS. enter image description hereThe purpose of this tool is to allow developers to quickly locate, analyze, problem-solving, rather than struggling in the log file.

Feature: http://code.google.com/p/androidlogcatviewer/wiki/KeyFeature

Download: http://code.google.com/p/androidlogcatviewer/downloads/list

Discuss-group: http://groups.google.com/group/androidlogcatviewer

I've tried logview-0.19 - works fine for my 13Mb logs.

Make sure to mark ./logview and ./lib/logview.jar as executable when running in Linux.

Splinter Log works on MacOS and can do a few things better than DDMS, like grouping tags, resolving pids to package name, etc. https://splinter-log.com

enter image description here

I found Online LogCat Beautifier to which can colourize given LogCat for easy reading. Really nice tool and it uses JavaScript, which means nothing is stored anywhere!

LogCat Beautifier in action


The link is no longer accessible, and luckily enough for us, Android Studio now supports pasting the LogCat into its "LogCat" tab (previously "Monitor"). Upon pasting, you'd have the options to search/click like a normal LogCat's log.

I use coloredlogcat for viewing logcat logs on the console. You should be able to do the same.

cat logfile | coloredlogcat.py

It should work out of the box. If it doesn't, I'm sure only minor modifications are needed. Have a look at this link coloredlogcat for details.

You can use Android Debug Monitor or DDMS without Eclipse.

click here.

stand alone log tool.
