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Android Dagger 2: Inject versus Provides

I have a question regarding Android Dagger 2 und the usage of @Inject and @Provide annotations. Given are the following two simplified examples:

public class A {   String msg;    public A(String msg){     this.msg = msg;   } }  public class B {   public A a;    public B(A a){     this.a = a;   } }  @Module public class AModule {   @Provides   A providesA(){     return new A("blah");   }    @Provides   B ProvidesB(A a)   {     return new B(a);   } } 

The example is pretty straight forward, I have two methods in my AModule with @Provides annotations. Therefore, Dagger can create an object of B using an instance of A with the string blah.

My second example looks like this:

public class A {   String msg;    public A(String msg){     this.msg = msg;   } }  public class B {   public A a;    @Inject   public B(A a){     this.a = a;   } }  @Module public class AModule {   @Provides   A providesA(){     return new A("blah");   } } 

In this example, Dagger can create an instance of B because an object A can be created using AModule. The instance of B can be created because it's constructor uses the @Inject annotation.

So my question is: What's the difference between those two examples? Both seem to have the same semantics. Does the generated code differ and are there any pitfalls? Or is it just a matter or personal taste or best practices?

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Christian Ammann Avatar asked Aug 29 '16 13:08

Christian Ammann

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1 Answers

They work similarly, and the @Inject style is preferred when you have such an easy choice like in your example. However, this isn't always the case:

  • If B, which consumes A, is not under your control and not DI-aware, you will have no way to add the @Inject annotation.
  • If B is an interface, you will need @Provides (or @Binds in newer Dagger versions) to identify which implementation to use.
  • If you choose not to use your Dagger object graph for every injected parameter, you can call the constructor manually whether it is marked @Inject or not. This might be the case if you want a specific instance or constant as a constructor parameter, but you can't or don't want to set up the binding for the whole object graph.

@Provides allows you to effectively create a factory method, with everything that allows. This is a great way to change which instances are included in your graph, or to effectively add to the class's constructor graph-wide if you can't (or shouldn't) change the class itself.

  • You can return an existing instance rather than a new one. Note that custom scopes (implemented in Dagger through subcomponents) might be a better fit for common cases, but if you have more complex instance control or use a third-party library that controls instances, you could put that into your factory method.
  • If you want your binding to return null sometimes that logic can live in a @Provides method. Make sure you annotate the injection sites as @Nullable.
  • You can choose between implementations with a factory method like a @Provides method, particularly if the choice depends on runtime environment.
  • You can run post-construction logic, including instance registration or initialization.
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Jeff Bowman Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 15:10

Jeff Bowman