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Android Can't retain fragments that are nested in other fragments

there is sth wrong with my Application,I try to add three Fragments in another Fragment,then the Eclipse show this:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't retain fragements that are nested in other fragments

this is my code in the childFragments

            .add(R.id.shop_fragment_container, shopTopOneFragment)
            .add(R.id.shop_fragment_container, shopTopTwoFragment)
            .add(R.id.shop_fragment_container, shopTopThreeFragment)

any help will be appreciated

like image 472
DomonLee Avatar asked Aug 27 '14 06:08


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1 Answers

Can't retain fragements that are nested in other fragments

This is a limitation of nested Fragments. I'm guessing one or more of your child Fragments have setRetainInstance(true) somewhere in their code. You need to remove that to prevent the error.

EDIT: On further reading it seems if the parent Fragment is calling setRetainInstance(true) then it will cause the same exception due to the fact that attempting to retain the parent instance also attempts to retain the child Fragments.

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Squonk Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
