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android camera stretched in landscape mode


The app I'm writing requires camera functionality. So to learn about how to operate the camera, I followed this script:


I have put the activity in my manifest, set the screen orientation for it on landscape mode.

The problem I'm having is, when the camera is held sideways (so I hold my Galaxy Tab P1000 in landscape position) the view is stretched out.

To be more specific about my script, I used an exact copy of code that Google made. It can be found in the android-sdk\samples\android-8\ApiDemos\src\com\example\android\apis\graphics\

The file itself is called CameraPreview.

I really have no clue why the screen looks so stretched. Of course, the format is weird and not square, but still, when using the default camera app installed on the device, it doesn't deform at all. This camera deforms the image when I hold it sideways and move the camera even a little.

enter image description here

enter image description here

What I did was: I held my galaxy tab to take a picture of an object (laptop in this case) then took a picture with my phone of my Galaxy. On the Galaxy I have the camera screen open in the app i'm making. This counts for both images. One I hold sideways and one I hold in portrait view. The pics are a bit unclear but you can see that in the landscape picture, the camera has become massively wide.

like image 627
Joey Roosing Avatar asked Sep 28 '11 09:09

Joey Roosing

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Step 1: Open the base UI layout in DESIGN mode so that you see the actual GUI, such as Buttons, icons, etc. Step 2: Click the icon marked in the below screenshot and, from the menu, select Create Landscape Variation. Then the corresponding Landscape file will be created automatically named as land\xml file name.

1 Answers

I faced the same problem yesterday. After a researching "Camera" sources I found a reason for camera preview being stretched.

The reason is: SurfaceView aspect ratio (width/height) MUST be same as Camera.Size aspect ratio used in preview parameters. And if aspect ratio is not the same, you've got stretched image.

So, the fastest workaround is to set SurfaceView to size like 320px x 240px - smallest supported size from Parameters.getSupportedPreviewSizes().

Also, you can look at Camera standard application sources, it uses the custom layout for controlling the SurfaceView size (see PreviewFrameLayout.java, onMeasure() function).


git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/Camera.git

to get Camera sources.

like image 176
Lord Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
