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Android C2DM Registration_ID max size

What is the maximum possible size of the registration_id field used for Android C2DM service?

like image 964
floater Avatar asked Oct 06 '10 00:10


2 Answers

The max size for a registration_id is bounded by the max size for a cookie, which is 4K (4096 bytes).

In practice, the tokens are going to be much smaller than that, but you shouldn't rely on this behavior going forward.

(The registration_id is not considered part of the payload, so the footnote Reno mentioned doesn't apply here.)

Source: I'm on the Android team at Google. :)
(I'll be updating the docs soon to make this more clear, since there's been a few people asking recently.)

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Trevor Johns Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 11:10

Trevor Johns

According to This thread results vary (98 and 120 are given), but the poster recommends setting aside 255 in your database, and that's what I'm going with.

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SatNav Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10
