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Android build.gradle defaultConfig { resConfig "en" } effect on Localization & Distribution in the Google Play Store

I am using the answer here: Android support library increases APK size a lot

To reduce the apk size by removing localizations I am not using from the support library as follows:

defaultConfig {
    resConfig "en"

And it work :)

When I upload my apk to Google Play I believe that I would see

Localizations default

instead of

Localizations default + 73 languages

If this is true, will limiting the Localizations affect/reduce the countries I can distribute too?

To put it clearer, if my apk is localized to english only can I still distribute to all countries?

like image 554
Philip Herbert Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 18:03

Philip Herbert

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1 Answers

Yes you can. The overview just displays the languages supported in your app. Distribution is independent from this setting.

like image 98
nickmartens1980 Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10
