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Android-Blackberry GCM: Can't register ported android app to GCM services

We are having some issues registering our device so we can get push notifications in our android ported app.

Here's our scenario:

-We have a Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha device with OS version:

-Already registered to the push service

-Created android.cfg and changed values with the ones received from Blackberry :

-Added manifest permissions.

-We deploy the app using a Debug Token.

-Device is connected to Blackberry network (we can add contacts, chat through BBM, etc.)

-Structure of the generated .bar file seem to be ok. (.apk, manifest -permissions are ok too-, android.cfg)

GCM is working fine on Android devices, but, when we debug it on BlackBerry dev alpha device, register method from GCMRegistrar class is not registering our device and getRegistrationId method is always returning an empty string.

There is no exception being thrown, so we don't know what is failing in the register method. Is there a way to see some logs?

We tried to connect to the device through SSH but we don't know where to find some logs about this (if there are any) .

like image 701
ale.m Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 10:11


1 Answers

After updating OS version from to, our GCM implementation started working (advice by people from Blackberry Support team).

We got the registration id after calling GCMRegistrar.register and now we are getting notifications! So there is no need to use Blackberry SDK or any other third party library.

If you are porting your android app to blackberry, make sure your android.cfg is well formed and with valid data received from Blackberry mail after registration for push services. Also check if push notification permission are in the manifest file in your repackaged .bar file.

like image 190
ale.m Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
