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Android available mime-types?

After several searches online, I couldn't find a place that could tell me every existent mime type for different types of media in android applications.

Here are the ones I know that exist and work:

For Text


For Image

"image/jpeg" "image/bmp" "image/gif" "image/jpg" "image/png" 

For Video

"video/wav" "video/mp4" 

These are the ones I have and know that work, I am lacking several for video and sound type files. Does anyone know a place where every android mime-type is described or do you guys ever used another mime-type for these different types of media?


I am using this in an application that monitors SMS and MMS and in the MMS type manages the content inside it. The code I have runs for every version above 8.

like image 873
JoaoFilipeClementeMartins Avatar asked Apr 30 '14 10:04


People also ask

How many MIME types are there?

There are two classes of type: discrete and multipart.

2 Answers

I did some search these days.

maybe you shoud read these links.

  • MediaStore supported MIME type is here: http://androidxref.com/4.4.4_r1/xref/frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/MediaFile.java#174
  • And there is also a API URLConnection.getFileNameMap()
    • And its inner side is here: http://androidxref.com/4.4.4_r1/xref/libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/net/MimeUtils.java
like image 90
tianya Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09


I couldn't find a place that could tell me every existent mime type for different types of media in android applications

There are over a million applications on the Play Store, plus others elsewhere (e.g., pre-installed on devices, Amazon AppStore for Android). A given device will have some combination of these apps. A given user will have access to some subset of the apps on the device, if the user is running in an Android 4.3+ restricted profile on a tablet.

Hence, there is no way to know, at compile time, what MIME types a given Android device can support for things like ACTION_VIEW activity requests. The OS itself supports no such MIME types -- they are all provided by applications.

Here are the ones I know that exist and work:

Some devices may have apps pre-installed that support those MIME types. text/plain is the least likely of your set to be supported "out of the box".

like image 45
CommonsWare Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
