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Android - AutoCompleteTextView not showing after setText is called

I'm having a weird issue with AutoCompleteTextView.

I have a AutoCompleteTextView that shows suggestions of cities when typing in it. The list of cities is retrieved from a remote server via JSON. When I use the soft keyboard or the Mic Button on the soft keyboard, the suggestions work fine. AutoCompleteTextView does show the suggested cities.

But, I have a problem when I try to set the text using myAutoCompleteTextView.setText("Chi") , the auto complete does not show.. I have also tried myAutoCompleteTextView.append("Chi") but still no luck..

The adapter is there, its just that the suggestions don't show.

Any tips?


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trancer Avatar asked Jan 28 '15 04:01


1 Answers

Yes you are right there is a bug in AutocompleteTextview to show default suggestion using setText(""); method.

But you can achieve this by adding some more lines of code as below.

autoText.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
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Biraj Zalavadia Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10

Biraj Zalavadia