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Android - Application (apk) Maximum size

I am going to install first application in my android phone, but having some doubts related to Android Memory (Maximum size of APK).

So please help me know and solve the problems:

  1. What is maximum size of the apk that can be supported by the android ?
  2. When we install any apk file in real phone, where does application installed (in SD-card or other memory) ??

I have referred this link: http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/7965885da4d1a03a and also searched lot.

I came Across the search on the web that many people are facing the same issue What is the maximum size of Application supported by Android. I think this question also help to the people who are connected with Android application programming and development.


This time i am having 58Mb application from that 52.5MB Images and it runs on the my HTC Hero mobile but On Emulator, it shows an error:

Failed to upload my_application.apk on device 'emulator-5554' java.io.IOException: Unable to upload file: No space left on device Launch canceled! 

Now please suggest me the way to store images inside the Drawable folder? is there any way to zip the images or such method?

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Paresh Mayani Avatar asked Aug 21 '10 05:08

Paresh Mayani

People also ask

What is the maximum size of APK file in Android?

Each expansion file can be up to 2GB in size. Users must run Play Store version 5.2 or higher to install 100MB APKs.

What is the maximum APK size of an instant app?

Reduce your APK size. Unlike other types of apps, games on Google Play Instant have a download size limit of 15 MB. To create a game of this size, you might need to refactor your game's logic. This section describes some tools and techniques to help optimize the size of your game.

How many MB is an APK?

Google is doubling the maximum APK file size on the Play Store from 50 MB to 100 MB. Android app developers can now build higher quality Apps and Games that users love.

How big is APK?

Overview. Each time you upload an APK using the Google Play Console, you have the option to add one or two expansion files to the APK. Each file can be up to 2GB and it can be any format you choose, but we recommend you use a compressed file to conserve bandwidth during the download.

1 Answers

Today i came across one point where it is clearly defined that we can upload maximum 50MB sized APK onto the market. So indirectly, we can install an application from a market having maximum 50MB size.

Here is a link: http://www.google.com/support/androidmarket/developer/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=113469 , here just check the below sentence.

APK file size: Maximum supported size is 50MB.

So its clear that we can upload maximum 50MB sized APK file, but if we are developing application locally and running/testing for the internal purpose then it is fine.

Update - 6 Mar 2012

Android Apps Break the 50MB Barrier and expanding the Android app size limit to 4GB., check this tutorial.

Update -28 Sep 2015

The Google Play team (ANDROID DEVELOPER BLOG) ::(GOOGLE) update the max size limit. They are increasing the APK file size limit to 100MB from 50MB. This means developers can publish APKs up to 100MB in size,Please refer this link for more information:Google Developer blog

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Paresh Mayani Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Paresh Mayani