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Android and calculating the size of a one-line string in a given font and font size?

Is there an API method for calculating the size (i.e. width and height) of a string displayed on one line and in a given font and font size?

like image 692
SK9 Avatar asked Sep 07 '11 04:09


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As code, the scaling looks like this: Here the text is normal, <SPAN STYLE="font-size:18.0pt">here the text changes to 18.0pt,</SPAN> and here it returns to normal. Here the text is normal, <SPAN STYLE="font-size:18px">here the text changes to 18px,</SPAN> and here it returns to normal.

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To use preset sizes to set up the autosizing of TextView in XML, use the android namespace and set the following attributes: Set the autoSizeText attribute to either none or uniform. none is a default value and uniform lets TextView scale uniformly on horizontal and vertical axes.

1 Answers

Paint p = new Paint();
p.setTypeface(TypeFace obj); // if custom font use `TypeFace.createFromFile`
p.setTextSize(float size);
float textWidth = p.measureText("Your string"); 
// you get the width here and textsize is the height.
like image 106
Ronnie Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
