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Android AlertDialog setOnDismissListener for API lower than 17

I created an AlertDialog:

private CharSequence[] _items = { "item1", "item2", "item3", "item4", "item5", "item6", "item7" };  AlertDialog.Builder daysBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);     daysBuilder.setTitle("SomeCaption");      daysBuilder.setMultiChoiceItems(_items,new Boolean[] { false, true, false,  false false false, true }, SetListener);     daysBuilder.setPositiveButton("OK", OKListener);     daysBuilder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", CancelListener);      AlertDialog alert = daysBuilder.create();     alert.show();` 

Through the statement "new Boolean[] { false, true, false false false false, true }" the items in the dialog get checked/unchecked by default.

When I open the dialog, change the selection of the items but then dismiss (by pressing cancel or the back-button of the device) the dialog gets dismissed. So far so good.

But when I reopen the dialog, the items have the checked/unchecked state of the previous changes from the last opening of the dialog.

But when the dialog was dismissed at the first opening, I want to have the items checked/unchecked state like when I created the dialog (new Boolean[] { false, true, false false false false, true }).

So basically I need an opportunity to get notified when the dialog gets dissmissed so I can then reset the state of the items.

I tried it with the setOnDismissListener for the dialog object. Unfortunately this is just available in API 17.

setOnDismissListener worked perfect for me (exactly what I need) in the emulator (API 17) but not on my device (Android 4.1 => API 16)

Is there something similar in API 16?

like image 493
Eudaimonie Avatar asked Dec 18 '12 12:12


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1 Answers

The problem is you are using setOnDismissListener of AlertDialog.Builder. This was introduced in Api level 17, setOnDismissListener of AlertDialog itself has been since api level 1.

AlertDialog alert = daysBuilder.create(); alert.setOndismissListener(yourdismisslistener); alert.show();` 
like image 83
nandeesh Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
