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Android adding custom lint rule to the project (git)





I needed a custom lint rule, so created one using the steps from here

All is working ok, the custom rule is now checked by lint. However, I have added the custom rule .jar to /.android/lint path. But this means that this rule is checked only for me locally.

The location of the .android directory is typically the home directory; lint will search in $ANDROID_SDK_HOME, in ${user.home} (the Java property), and in $HOME. (Somebody asked about this; Lint basically calls the general Android tools method to find the "tools settings directory", used for emulator snapshots, ddms configuration, etc. You can find the relevant code for that here: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/base/+/master/common/src/main/java/com/android/prefs/AndroidLocation.java )

How can I add the .jar file to the project such that all the people working on it will have this lint rule checked? Searched for an answer but didn't find any clues...

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Mihaela Romanca Avatar asked Nov 11 '22 12:11

Mihaela Romanca

1 Answers

The new AAR format allows to compile and bundle custom lint rules which is perfect for distributed working OR CI environments, like mentioned here [1].

Another suitable solution is to have your custom lint rule as module/project dependency within your application project.

  1. https://engineering.linkedin.com/android/writing-custom-lint-checks-gradle
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André Diermann Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

André Diermann