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Android add placeholder text to EditText

How can I add a placeholder text to EditText in the class that isn't in the XML?

I have the following EditText in my code which will be shown in alertdialog:

    final EditText name = new EditText(this); 
like image 719
Mona Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 02:11


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Can edit the text in the placeholder?

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What is a place holder in Android Studio?

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To label an editable TextView or EditText , use android:hint to display a descriptive text label within the item when it's empty. If an app's user interface already provides a text label for the editable item, define android:labelFor on the labeling View to indicate which item the label describes.

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A placeholder is used to show what needs to be filled in at a certain position.

1 Answers

Ah, ok. What you're looking for is setHint(int). Simply pass in a resource id of a string from your xml and you're good to go.

enter image description here


And in XML, it's simply android:hint="someText"

like image 50
LuxuryMode Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
