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ANDing javascript objects together



I ran across this chunk of code (modified) in our application, and am confused to how it works:

    function someObject()
        this.someProperty = {};
        this.foo = 
                baz: function() { return "Huh?" }

        this.getValue = function()
            return (this.someProperty && this.foo.bar && this.foo.bar.baz && this.foo.bar.baz()) || null;

    function test()
        var o = new someObject();
        var val = o.getValue();

when you call the test() function, the text "Huh?" is alerted. I'm not sure how the result of getValue is returning that, I would've thought doing A && B && C && D would have returned true, rather than the value of D.

like image 681
Jonas Avatar asked Apr 06 '10 18:04


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How does&& work in JavaScript?

Description. Logical AND ( && ) evaluates operands from left to right, returning immediately with the value of the first falsy operand it encounters; if all values are truthy, the value of the last operand is returned. If a value can be converted to true , the value is so-called truthy.

2 Answers

That happens because the Boolean Operators in JavaScript can return an operand, and not necessarily a Boolean result, e.g.:

The Logical AND operator (&&), will return the value of the second operand if the first is truthy:

true && "foo"; // "foo"

And it will return the value of the first operand if it is by itself falsy:

NaN && "anything"; // NaN
0 && "anything";   // 0

That's why in your example "Huh?" is returned, because all the preceding expressions are truthy:

alert("A" && "B" && "C" && "Huh?"); // "Huh?"
alert(true && true && true && "Huh?"); // "Huh?"

The Logical OR operator (||) has a similar behavior, it will return the value of the second operand, if the first one is falsy:

false || "bar"; // "bar"

And it will return the value of the first operand if it is by itself non-falsy:

"foo" || "anything"; // "foo"

This behavior is often used to set default values, for example:

function test (arg1) {
  arg1 = arg1 || "default value";

Note: Falsy values are those that coerce to false when used in a boolean context, and they are: null, undefined, NaN, 0, zero-length string, and of course false. Anything else will coerce to true.

like image 78
Christian C. Salvadó Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

Christian C. Salvadó

&& and || don't neccesarily produce a boolean value.


like image 22
goat Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
