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ANDing exit codes in bash


I have a bash script that runs three checks over my source code, and then exit 0 if all the commands succeeded, or exit 1 if any of them failed:

#!/bin/bash  test1 ./src/ --test-1=option exit_1=$?  test2 ./src/ test-2-options exit_2=$?  test3 ./src/ -t 3 -o options exit_3=$?  # Exit with error if any of the above failed [[ $exit_1 -eq 0 && $exit_2 -eq 0 && $exit_3 -eq 0 ]] exit $? 

This code works, but it feels overly long and verbose. Is there some way this can be made nicer? Specifically I am not happy with:

  • Having to run the command, and then assign the exit code to a variable
  • Having to use [[ ... ]], then collect its exit code on the next line to exit with
  • Having to explicitly compare variables to 0, as in [[ $var -eq 0 ]], instead of treating them as booleans

Ideally, the end result would be something more readable like:

exit_1=( test1 ./src/ --test-1=option ) exit_2=( test2 ./src/ test-2-options ) exit_3=( test3 ./src/ -t 3 -o options )  # Exit with error if any of the above failed exit ( $exit_1 && $exit_2 && $exit_3 ) 

Some things I have considered:

Getting the error code in to a variable in one line:

exit_1=$( test1 ./src/ --test-1=option )$? exit_2=$( test2 ./src/ test-2-options )$? exit_3=$( test3 ./src/ -t 3 -o options )$? 

This works, and makes this bit shorter, but I've never seen anyone else use this before. Is this a sensible/sane thing to do? Are there any issues with this?

Just running the tests, and && them together:

test1 ./src/ --test-1=option && \ test2 ./src/ test-2-options && \ test3 ./src/ -t 3 -o options status=$? 

This does not work, as bash short circuits. If test1 fails, test2 and test3 do not run, and I want them all to run.

Detecing errors and exiting using || exit

[[ $exit_1 -eq 0 && $exit_2 -eq 0 && $exit_3 -eq 0 ]] || exit 1 

This saves one line of awkward exit codes and variables, but the important bit of exit 1 is now right at the end of the line where you can miss it. Ideally, something like this would work:

exit [[ $exit_1 -eq 0 && $exit_2 -eq 0 && $exit_3 -eq 0 ]] 

Of course, this does not work, as [[ returns its output instead of echoing it.

exit $( [[ $exit_1 -eq 0 && $exit_2 -eq 0 && $exit_3 -eq 0 ]] ; echo $? ) 

does work, but still seems like a horrid cludge

Not explicitly dealing with exit-codes-as-boolean

[[ $exit_1 && $exit_2 && $exit_3 ]] 

This does not do what you would hope it would do. The easiest way of && together three return codes stored in variables is with the full $var -eq 0 && .... Surely there is a nicer way?

I know bash is not a nice programming language - if you can even call it that - but is there any way I can make this less awkward?

like image 470
Tim Heap Avatar asked May 03 '13 11:05

Tim Heap

1 Answers

You can use bash's arithmetic command to OR the exit codes together, and negate the result, to get an exit code of 1 if any of the codes is non-zero. First, an example:

$ ! (( 0 | 0 | 0 )); echo $? 0 $ ! (( 1 | 0 | 0 )); echo $? 1 

Now, your script:

#!/bin/bash  test1 ./src/ --test-1=option; exit_1=$? test2 ./src/ test-2-options;  exit_2=$?    test3 ./src/ -t 3 -o options; exit_3=$?  # Exit with error if any of the above failed. No need for a final # call to exit, if this is the last command in the script ! (( $exit_1 || $exit_2 || $exit_3 )) 

Or in general, you can accumulate the exit codes as you run an arbitrary number of tests:

#!/bin/bash  # Unfortunately, ||= is not an assignment operator in bash. # You could use |=, I suppose; you may not be able to assign # any meaning to any particular non-zero value, though. test1 ./src/ --test-1=option; (( exit_status = exit_status || $? )) test2 ./src/ test-2-options;  (( exit_status = exit_status || $? ))   test3 ./src/ -t 3 -o options; (( exit_status = exit_status || $? )) # ... testn ./src "${final_option_list[@]}"; (( exit_status = exit_status || $? ))  exit $exit_status   # 0 if they all succeeded, 1 if any failed 
like image 115
chepner Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10
