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Anaconda Python: How to install missing dependency?

I am trying to install graph-tool from here: http://anaconda.org/vgauthier/graph-tool, using the command mentioned on that page.

I used the given command line:

conda install -c http://conda.anaconda.org/vgauthier graph-tool

and I get the following error:

Error: Could not find some dependencies for graph-tool: pixman

So I tried to install pixman in a similar way: http://anaconda.org/rwest/pixman.

conda install -c http://conda.anaconda.org/rwest pixman

This succeeded.

Yet the "could not find dependency" error is still there when trying to install graph-tool. Why does this happen and how can I fix it? There is no additional error message that I could go on.

like image 657
Szabolcs Avatar asked Aug 26 '15 11:08


People also ask

Does conda install dependencies?

Conda provides many of the features found in pip, virtualenv, venv and pyenv. However it is a completely separate tool that will manage Python dependencies differently, and only works in Conda environments. Conda analyzes each package for compatible dependencies, and how to install them without conflict.

1 Answers

Conda needs to be able to find all the dependencies at once. The -c flag only adds that channel for that one command. You would need to run conda install -c vgauthier rwest graph-tool. But an easier way is to add those channels to your configuration

conda config --add channels vgauthier --add channels rwest

Once you do this, you can just run

conda install graph-tool 

and it will grab things from those channels.

like image 69
asmeurer Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 06:10
