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An unexplainable space added inside an anchor

Nope. Ignore this. The space is put there by browser.

This is a HTML snippet from my application:

    Correct answers:
    0 / 6<br /><br />
    You have failed to pass the final test.

    <a href="/module/controller/course/id/5" class="accessible-link">
        Click here
    to return to the training.

As you can see, there is a single space after the </a> closing tag. Yet in the browser the space is added inside the anchor. So it looks like this:

Alt text

This is the PHP code which produces the HTML:

<?php if (isset($this->correctAnswersCount) && isset($this->answersCount)): ?>
        <?php echo Zend_Registry::get('translate')->_('Počet správnych odpovedí'); ?>:
        <?php echo ToHtml($this->correctAnswersCount); ?> / <?php echo ToHtml($this->answersCount); ?><br /><br />
<?php endif; ?>
        <?php echo Zend_Registry::get('translate')->_('Záverečný test sa vám nepodarilo úspešne absolvovať.'), "\n"; ?>
        <a href="<?php echo ToHtml($this->backToCourseUri); ?>" class="accessible-link">
            <?php echo Zend_Registry::get('translate')->_('Kliknite'), "\n"; ?>
        <?php echo Zend_Registry::get('translate')->_('pre návrat do kurzu.'), "\n"; ?>

I am completely baffled by this and cannot figure out what's causing this even though I've been staring into the code for 30 minutes now.

This is a relevant part from the translation file:

'Kliknite' => 'Click here',

As you can see, there should be no space added by Zend_Translate.

like image 823
Richard Knop Avatar asked Dec 08 '10 13:12

Richard Knop

2 Answers

Change this:

<a href="<?php echo ToHtml($this->backToCourseUri); ?>" class="accessible-link">
    <?php echo Zend_Registry::get('translate')->_('Kliknite'), "\n"; ?>

Into this:

<a href="<?php echo ToHtml($this->backToCourseUri); ?>" class="accessible-link">
    <?php echo Zend_Registry::get('translate')->_('Kliknite'), "\n"; ?></a>

The </a> should be in the same line after the <?php echo Zend_Registry::get('translate')->_('Kliknite'), "\n"; ?> aka Click Here


The new line and the spaces after it renders like 1 space that is still inside de <a></a> tags, that is where the blank space is coming from.


For the record I also don't like the closing tag to be next to the content instead of a being in a new line but that's how it has to be done in order to work correctly.

I like good formatted code and I always look for a autoformat command in my IDE.

But at least for example in Visual Studio when you hit Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D (the Format Document shorcut) the closing tags like the </a> are not automatically moved to a new line for this exact reason: that it should not break the way it looks before the auto format.

like image 97
Carlos Muñoz Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11

Carlos Muñoz

Close the 'a' tag directly after the next, without a newline, like this:

<a href="/module/controller/course/id/5" class="accessible-link">Click here</a>
like image 44
qbeuek Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11
