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An example of an optimization that involves compiler reordering

C & C++ compilers are allowed to reorder operations as long as the as-if rule holds. What is an example of such a reordering performed by a compiler, and what is the potential performance gain to be had by doing it?

Examples involving any (C/C++) compiler on any platform are welcome.

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TripShock Avatar asked Dec 23 '14 05:12


2 Answers

Suppose you have the following operations being performed:

int i=0,j=0;

Ignoring for the moment that the three increments would likely be optimized away by the compiler into one +=3, you will end up having a higher processor-pipeline throughput if you reordered the operations as


since j++ doesn't have to wait for the result of i++ while in the previous case, most of the instructions had a data dependency on the previous instruction. In more complicated computations, where there isn't an easy way to reducing the number of instructions to be performed, the compiler can still look at data dependencies and reorder instructions so that an instruction depending on the result of an earlier instruction is as far away from it as possible.

Another example of such an optimization is when you are dealing with pure functions. Looking at a simple example again, assume you have a pure function f(int x) which you are summing over a loop.

int tot = 0;
int x;//something known only at runtime
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
  tot += f(x);

Since f is a pure function, the compiler can reorder calls to it as it pleases. In particular, it can transform this loop to

int tot = 0;
int x;//something known only at runtime
int fval = f(x);
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
  tot += fval;
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Pradhan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


I'm sure there are quite a few examples where reordering operations will yield faster performance. An obvious example would be to reorder loads as early as possible, since these are typically much slower than other CPU operations. By doing other, unrelated work whilst the memory is being fetched, the CPU can save time overall.

That is, given something like this:

x = load();

We can reorder it like this:

x = load();

So while we're waiting for the load to complete, we can essentially do expensive_calculation() for free.

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congusbongus Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
