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an error "No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=x86_64, VALID_ARCHS=armv7 armv7s)."?

I have Xcode 4.6. I downloaded this project When run it i receive a message No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=x86_64, VALID_ARCHS=armv7 armv7s). Where and what i have to change? I have no idea what should i do? Thanx

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user2032083 Avatar asked Oct 17 '13 10:10


2 Answers

If you are in Xcode 5.0 , this may arise if you select a 64 bit (simulator for iPhone 5S) simulator instead of 32 bit simulator. This happened to me. It may help some one, because I didn't find any answer to solve this till I found it myself.

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Vineeth Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10


Go to
Project Target > Build Settings > Architectures

and make

Build Active Architecture Only = NO

The issue will be solved

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Ali Raza Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Ali Raza