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AMQP over WebSocket with RabbitMQ

Is there a way to use AMQP to communicate with RabbitMQ over WebSockets?

I guess the real question is if there is support for this in RabbitMQ and if there are any client side libraries for the browser? Can not really wrap my mind around it and google provides no answers for me.

Today we are using the RabbitMQ STOMP-SockJS solution. But that does not work very well with LVC (Last Value Cache) and exchanges other than the default. Since it does not allow to bind multiple routing keys to the same queue. (It automatically creates a new queue for each subscription.)

like image 508
Viktor Avatar asked Dec 09 '15 13:12


1 Answers

The best (most flexible, scalable, secure, etc) way to do this in my experience is to build a web server for your WebSockets and have the web server communicate with RabbitMQ.

like image 129
Derick Bailey Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Derick Bailey