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AMQP C++ implementation [closed]





We are writing C++ code which needs messaging. Is there a free/open-source and stable AMQP server available that has equally stable C++ client library with it. We also need to provide Python interface of our code to users (idea is to do maximum stuff in C++ and expose the API in Python).

What can be best way to achieve this.

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Hacker_PK Avatar asked Feb 03 '23 06:02


2 Answers

For future reference, take a look at Apache Qpid - it has a C++ client library and is very good. The problem for your use-case is that Rabbit implements AMQP 0-8 and the Qpid C++ client talks AMQP 0-10.

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Steve Huston Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 20:02

Steve Huston

Apache QPid seems to be relevant here. There's a C++ broker/client library here.

Note that since you're programming to a protocol (AMQP), your broker/client don't have to be in the same language. e.g. I'm using Scala and C# clients talking to RabbitMQ (an Erlang broker).

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Brian Agnew Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 19:02

Brian Agnew