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amCharts with AngularJS

I'm still strugling making work other libs with AngularJS because of it's differtent logic from other libs. I need to visualize data with amCharts Stock, but there is nothing on the internet about these two wroking together.

How can i make this work with angularjs: http://jsfiddle.net/922JW/

 var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {

    type: "stock",
    "theme": "none",
    pathToImages: "http://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/images/",

    categoryAxesSettings: {
        minPeriod: "mm"

    dataSets: [{
        color: "#b0de09",
        fieldMappings: [{
            fromField: "value",
            toField: "value"
        }, {
            fromField: "volume",
            toField: "volume"

        dataProvider: chartData,
        categoryField: "date"

    panels: [{
            showCategoryAxis: false,
            title: "Value",
            percentHeight: 70,

            stockGraphs: [{
                id: "g1",
                valueField: "value",
                type: "smoothedLine",
                lineThickness: 2,
                bullet: "round"

            stockLegend: {
                valueTextRegular: " ",
                markerType: "none"

            title: "Volume",
            percentHeight: 30,
            stockGraphs: [{
                valueField: "volume",
                type: "column",
                cornerRadiusTop: 2,
                fillAlphas: 1

            stockLegend: {
                valueTextRegular: " ",
                markerType: "none"

    chartScrollbarSettings: {
        graph: "g1",
        usePeriod: "10mm",
        position: "top"

    chartCursorSettings: {
        valueBalloonsEnabled: true

    periodSelector: {
        position: "top",
        dateFormat: "YYYY-MM-DD JJ:NN",
        inputFieldWidth: 150,
        periods: [{
            period: "hh",
            count: 1,
            label: "1 hour",
            selected: true

        }, {
            period: "hh",
            count: 2,
            label: "2 hours"
        }, {
            period: "hh",
            count: 5,
            label: "5 hour"
        }, {
            period: "hh",
            count: 12,
            label: "12 hours"
        }, {
            period: "MAX",
            label: "MAX"

    panelsSettings: {
        usePrefixes: true


like image 649
Jack Avatar asked Apr 11 '14 10:04


3 Answers

I fount that the solution provided wasn't working for me.

In particular, the chart was not showing if the id in the template wasn't hardcoded.

It seemed like a problem with the AmCharts.makeChart() function that was't able to find the chardiv_idin the DOM.

I found that putting the initChart()function inside a scope.$watch('element') (after attaching elementto the scope in the linking function) was the right solution for me.

I think this is because after the element is created (so after the watch is called) is present and visible in the DOM, so the AmChart function can see it and render the chart correctly.

Hope this helped someone!

like image 129
Giacomo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09


I would create some basic directive (isolate scope) that receives chart settings and use as template:

 <div id="container"></div>

In addition we can write several watchers to listen on user actions.

Here is working example How to use it:

(Its not based on your settings but you can use the same flow)

Demo Fiddle


   function () {
       return {
           restrict: 'E',
            scope: {
            config: '='  
           template: '<div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>',
           link: function (scope, element, attrs) {

                var chart = false;

                var initChart = function() {
                  if (chart) chart.destroy();
                  var config = scope.config || {};
                  chart = new Highcharts.Chart(config);

                  if(config.loading) {


        scope.$watch('config.loading', function (loading) {
          if(loading) {
          } else {

       scope.$watch('config.series[0].type', function (type) {        
         chart.series[0].update({type: type});       

        scope.$watch('config.series[0].dataLabels.enabled', function (enableDataLabels) {          
         chart.series[0].update({dataLabels: {enabled: enableDataLabels}});       
         }//end watch

   }) ;

The usage:

 <my-elem config="chartConfig"> </my-elem>  


Demo 2 FIddle


    <my-elem ></my-elem>    


    var myapp = angular.module('myModule', []);

   function () {
       return {
           restrict: 'E',

           template: '<div id="chartdiv" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div>',
           link: function (scope, element, attrs) {

                var chart = false;

                var initChart = function() {
                  if (chart) chart.destroy();
                  var config = scope.config || {};
                   chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
                "type": "serial",
                "theme": "none",
                "marginLeft": 20,
                "pathToImages": "http://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/images/",
                "dataProvider": [{
                    "year": "1950",
                    "value": -0.307
                }, {
                    "year": "1951",
                    "value": -0.168
                }, {
                    "year": "1952",
                    "value": -0.073
                }, {
                    "year": "1953",
                    "value": -0.027
                }, {
                    "year": "1954",
                    "value": -0.251
                }, {
                    "year": "1955",
                    "value": -0.281
                }, {
                    "year": "1956",
                    "value": -0.348
                }, {
                    "year": "1957",
                    "value": -0.074
                }, {
                    "year": "1958",
                    "value": -0.011
                }, {
                    "year": "1959",
                    "value": -0.074
                }, {
                    "year": "1960",
                    "value": -0.124
                }, {
                    "year": "1961",
                    "value": -0.024
                }, {
                    "year": "1962",
                    "value": -0.022
                }, {
                    "year": "1963",
                    "value": 0
                }, {
                    "year": "1964",
                    "value": -0.296
                }, {
                    "year": "1965",
                    "value": -0.217
                }, {
                    "year": "1966",
                    "value": -0.147
                }, {
                    "year": "1967",
                    "value": -0.15
                }, {
                    "year": "1968",
                    "value": -0.16
                }, {
                    "year": "1969",
                    "value": -0.011
                }, {
                    "year": "1970",
                    "value": -0.068
                }, {
                    "year": "1971",
                    "value": -0.19
                }, {
                    "year": "1972",
                    "value": -0.056
                }, {
                    "year": "1973",
                    "value": 0.077
                }, {
                    "year": "1974",
                    "value": -0.213
                }, {
                    "year": "1975",
                    "value": -0.17
                }, {
                    "year": "1976",
                    "value": -0.254
                }, {
                    "year": "1977",
                    "value": 0.019
                }, {
                    "year": "1978",
                    "value": -0.063
                }, {
                    "year": "1979",
                    "value": 0.05
                }, {
                    "year": "1980",
                    "value": 0.077
                }, {
                    "year": "1981",
                    "value": 0.12
                }, {
                    "year": "1982",
                    "value": 0.011
                }, {
                    "year": "1983",
                    "value": 0.177
                }, {
                    "year": "1984",
                    "value": -0.021
                }, {
                    "year": "1985",
                    "value": -0.037
                }, {
                    "year": "1986",
                    "value": 0.03
                }, {
                    "year": "1987",
                    "value": 0.179
                }, {
                    "year": "1988",
                    "value": 0.18
                }, {
                    "year": "1989",
                    "value": 0.104
                }, {
                    "year": "1990",
                    "value": 0.255
                }, {
                    "year": "1991",
                    "value": 0.21
                }, {
                    "year": "1992",
                    "value": 0.065
                }, {
                    "year": "1993",
                    "value": 0.11
                }, {
                    "year": "1994",
                    "value": 0.172
                }, {
                    "year": "1995",
                    "value": 0.269
                }, {
                    "year": "1996",
                    "value": 0.141
                }, {
                    "year": "1997",
                    "value": 0.353
                }, {
                    "year": "1998",
                    "value": 0.548
                }, {
                    "year": "1999",
                    "value": 0.298
                }, {
                    "year": "2000",
                    "value": 0.267
                }, {
                    "year": "2001",
                    "value": 0.411
                }, {
                    "year": "2002",
                    "value": 0.462
                }, {
                    "year": "2003",
                    "value": 0.47
                }, {
                    "year": "2004",
                    "value": 0.445
                }, {
                    "year": "2005",
                    "value": 0.47
                "valueAxes": [{
                    "axisAlpha": 0,
                    "inside": true,
                    "position": "left",
                    "ignoreAxisWidth": true
                "graphs": [{
                    "balloonText": "[[category]]<br><b><span style='font-size:14px;'>[[value]]</span></b>",
                    "bullet": "round",
                    "bulletSize": 6,
                    "lineColor": "#d1655d",
                    "lineThickness": 2,
                    "negativeLineColor": "#637bb6",
                    "type": "smoothedLine",
                    "valueField": "value"
                "chartScrollbar": {},
                "chartCursor": {
                    "categoryBalloonDateFormat": "YYYY",
                    "cursorAlpha": 0,
                    "cursorPosition": "mouse"
                "dataDateFormat": "YYYY",
                "categoryField": "year",
                "categoryAxis": {
                    "minPeriod": "YYYY",
                    "parseDates": true,
                    "minorGridAlpha": 0.1,
                    "minorGridEnabled": true


like image 12
Maxim Shoustin Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10

Maxim Shoustin

Use the module https://github.com/natanielpaiva/angularAmChart


project example https://github.com/natanielpaiva/angularAmChartSimples


<amchart ng-model="objectLiveAmchart"> </amchart>

In Javascript:

$scope.objectLiveAmchart = { type:serial, ... }

like image 1
Nataniel Paiva Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10

Nataniel Paiva