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Ambiguous reference to member 'tableView'

Code and errors Continued on the code and one more errors!

Hi, I'm new to Xcode swift. I have been doing good so far except trying to follow someone tutorial from 8.2 and I'm getting these errors that I have the hardest time understanding. Anybody who can explain what these errors means and maybe, just maybe how to fix them?

I have edited my posts, can't link more items than 2.

like image 806
Aiham Al-salehy Avatar asked Nov 15 '15 19:11

Aiham Al-salehy

2 Answers

You need to declare your tableView up by your other @IBOutlets since you are using a UIViewController and putting a tableView within it's view. Currently the UIViewController doesn't know what tableView you are referring too.

@IBOutlet var tableView: UITableView!

Then link it up in the interface builder as you have done with your other @IBOutlets. Make sure you link the delegate and dataSource properties of your tableView back to the view controller as well.

To do the latter, after you select your tableView, select the Connections Inspector area, as shown in the picture below, and connect them back to your UIViewController.

enter image description here

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myles Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10


Here it is in Swift 4

let iPath = NSIndexPath(row: self.TableView.numberOfRows(inSection: 0)-1,
                        section: self.messageTableView.numberOfSections-1)

self.TableView.scrollToRow(at: iPath as IndexPath,
                           at: UITableViewScrollPosition.bottom,
                           animated: true)
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Rob.R Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 02:10
