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Amazon SQS Legacy Profile Format Warning

I am posting messages to a Amazon SQS queue. At start up, I am getting the following warning in my logs.

[http-nio-9090-exec-2][BasicProfileConfigLoader] The legacy profile format 
requires the 'profile ' prefix before the profile name. The latest code does 
not require such prefix, and will consider it as part of the profile name. 
Please remove the prefix if you are seeing this warning.

I am using the following version of Amazon SQS with Maven:


How can I get rid of this warning?

like image 859
Cale Sweeney Avatar asked May 04 '17 18:05

Cale Sweeney

People also ask

What is the SQS default policy?

The default policy allows only the queue owner to send and receive messages. Open the Amazon SQS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/sqs/ . In the navigation pane, choose Queues. Choose a queue and choose Edit.

How long can you keep your Amazon SQS messages in Amazon SQS queues?

You can configure the Amazon SQS message retention period to a value from 1 minute to 14 days. The default is 4 days. Once the message retention quota is reached, your messages are automatically deleted.

Who is queue owner SQS?

However, your AWS account (to which the user belongs) owns the queue resource. If you create an IAM role in your AWS account with permissions to create an Amazon SQS queue, anyone who can assume the role can create a queue. Your AWS account (to which the role belongs) owns the queue resource.

Where is the .AWS folder?

aws that is placed in the " home " folder on your computer. On Linux and macOS, this is typically shown as ~/. aws . On Windows, it is %USERPROFILE%\.

1 Answers

This is most likely referring to your config file that is holding part of your aws credentials. Where this is on your machine will depend on what OS you are using, but for example on my Mac it is in \users\myname.aws\config

The old format was like this (as example):

[profile <profilename>]

and now should look like this instead:

like image 114
E.J. Brennan Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

E.J. Brennan