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Amazon S3 WebDAV access

I would like to access my Amazon S3 buckets without third-party software, but simply through the WebDAV functionality available in most operating systems. Is there a way to do that ? It is important to me that no third-party software is required.

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nico Avatar asked Mar 07 '14 17:03


People also ask

Does S3 support Webdav?

I simply use the copy and sync commands. Save this answer. Show activity on this post. S3 does not support webdav, so you're out of luck!

Can we use S3 as NFS?

AWS Storage Gateway now supports NFS file share auditing end-user access to files, folders, and file shares on Amazon S3 File Gateway.

How do I access my Amazon S3 files?

In the Amazon S3 console, choose your S3 bucket, choose the file that you want to open or download, choose Actions, and then choose Open or Download. If you are downloading an object, specify where you want to save it. The procedure for saving the object depends on the browser and operating system that you are using.

1 Answers

There's a number of ways to do this. I'm not sure about your situation, so here they are:
Option 1: Easiest:
You can use a 3rd party "cloud gateway" provider, like http://storagemadeeasy.com/CloudDav/

Option 2: Set up your own "cloud gateway" server

  • Set up a dedicated server or virtual server to act as a gateway. Using Amazon's own EC2 would be a good choice.

  • Set up software that mounts S3 as a drive. Two I know of on Windows: (1) CloudBerry Drive http://www.cloudberrylab.com/ and (2) WebDrive (http://webdrive.com). For Linux, I have never done it, but you can try: https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse

  • Set up a webdav server like CrushFTP. (It comes to mind because it's stable and cheap and works on any OS.) Another option is IIS but I personally find it's harder to set up securely for webdav.

  • Set up a user in your WebDav server (ie CrushFTP or IIS) with access to the mapped S3 drive.

  • Possible snag: Assuming you're using Windows, to start your services automatically and have this work, you may need to set up both services to use the same Windows user account (Services->(Your Service)->[right-click]Properties->Log On tab). This is because the S3 mapping software might not map the S3 drive for all Windows users. Alternatively, you can use FireDaemon if you get stuck on this step to start the programs as a service all under the same username.

Other notes: I have experience using WebDrive under pretty heavy loads, and it seems to work well. Under tons of pounding (I'm talking thousands of files per hour being added to a 5 TB WebDrive) it started to crash Windows. But I'm not sure if you are going that far with it. Also, if you're using EC2, you may not have that issue since it was likely caused by a huge transfer queue in memory and EC2 will have faster transit to S3 and keep the queue smaller.

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SilentSteel Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 07:10
