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Amazon S3 - How to fix 'The request signature we calculated does not match the signature' error?

People also ask

How do I authenticate to Amazon S3?

For Amazon S3 request authentication, use your AWS secret access key ( YourSecretAccessKey ) as the key, and the UTF-8 encoding of the StringToSign as the message. The output of HMAC-SHA1 is also a byte string, called the digest. The Signature request parameter is constructed by Base64 encoding this digest.

What is checksum in S3?

Amazon S3 uses checksum values to verify the integrity of data that you upload to or download from Amazon S3. In addition, you can request that another checksum value be calculated for any object that you store in Amazon S3.

What is AWS4 Hmac SHA256?

Description. AWS4-HMAC-SHA256. The algorithm that was used to calculate the signature. You must provide this value when you use AWS Signature Version 4 for authentication.

After two days of debugging, I finally discovered the problem...

The key I was assigning to the object started with a period i.e. ..\images\ABC.jpg, and this caused the error to occur.

I wish the API provides more meaningful and relevant error message, alas, I hope this will help someone else out there!

I get this error with the wrong credentials. I think there were invisible characters when I pasted it originally.

I had the same problem when tried to copy an object with some UTF8 characters. Below is a JS example:

var s3 = new AWS.S3();

    Bucket: 'somebucket',
    CopySource: 'path/to/Weird_file_name_ðÓpíu.jpg',
    Key: 'destination/key.jpg',
    ACL: 'authenticated-read'
}, cb);

Solved by encoding the CopySource with encodeURIComponent()

I had the same error in nodejs. But adding signatureVersion in s3 constructor helped me:

const s3 = new AWS.S3({
  apiVersion: '2006-03-01',
  signatureVersion: 'v4',

This error seems to occur mostly if there is a space before or after your secret key

Actually in Java i was getting same error.After spending 4 hours to debug it what i found that that the problem was in meta data in S3 Objects as there was space while sitting cache controls in s3 files.This space was allowed in 1.6.* version but in 1.11.* it is disallowed and thus was throwing the signature mismatch error

My AccessKey had some special characters in that were not properly escaped.

I didn't check for special characters when I did the copy/paste of the keys. Tripped me up for a few mins.

A simple backslash fixed it. Example (not my real access key obviously):

secretAccessKey: 'Gk/JCK77STMU6VWGrVYa1rmZiq+Mn98OdpJRNV614tM'


secretAccessKey: 'Gk\/JCK77STMU6VWGrVYa1rmZiq\+Mn98OdpJRNV614tM'