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Amazon S3 error- A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource.



Why I got this error when I try to create a bucket in amazon S3?

Amazon s3

like image 993
Nurdin Avatar asked Jan 17 '14 14:01


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S3 sync compares the size of the file and the last modified timestamp to see if a file needs to be synced.

How long does S3 bucket take to delete?

When you delete a bucket, there may be a delay of up to one hour before the bucket name is available for reuse in a new region or by a new bucket owner. If you re-create the bucket in the same region or with the same bucket owner, there is no delay.

Can I update the file in S3 bucket?

It's not possible to append to an existing file on AWS S3. You can delete existing file and upload new file with same name.

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The s3 sync command synchronizes the contents of a bucket and a directory, or the contents of two buckets. Typically, s3 sync copies missing or outdated files or objects between the source and target.

1 Answers

This error means that, the bucket was recently deleted and is queued for delete in S3. You must wait until the name is available again.

like image 59
Sanity Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
