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Amazon EC2 cluster error Failed to provision ec2 instances because 'The requested instance profile EMR_EC2_DefaultRole is invalid'

I am trying to create a cluster using amazon aws console with default role.The cluster gets created and it remains in starting state for sometimes and then terminated with this error:- Failed to provision ec2 instances because 'The requested instance profile EMR_EC2_DefaultRole is invalid'

I tried editing user Trust relationship of Default Role but again it says not authorized.ALso,I have logged in as root account.

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user2714823 Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 17:03


1 Answers

I had a similar problem when I was trying to follow the documentation of EMR.

I solved it by: 1. Creating a user in AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM). 2. After I assigned this user to a 'group'(Create a new group). 2a. The group should have the roles that are being used(S3 and EMR). - Click on attachments and select all the ones are not 0.

I hope this helps you.

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TheSPD Avatar answered Mar 13 '23 05:03