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Amazon API ItemSearch Categories





I am using PHP PEAR Amazon package to retrieve products from the API, I can search for Books and DVDS at the moment, but I need all the categories, the problem is I cant find all the categories like e.g. home & garden.

I am using below code to pull out Books:

$result = $amazon->ItemSearch('Books', $options);

I have tried replacing books with Home&Garden but doesnt work, I need a full list of Amazon cats, anyone have any ideas where I can get these from I have trawled the Amazon site.



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John Jones Avatar asked Oct 14 '10 12:10

John Jones

1 Answers

here are lists of possible SearchIndexes per locale and what parameters they accept.
"HomeGarden" should be what you're looking for..

like image 150
FortyTwo Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
