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Alternatives to commons-net FTPSClient? [closed]





Do you know any good open source library other than Apache commons-net FTPSClient to interact with a FTPS site


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Jose Diaz Avatar asked Feb 28 '11 19:02

Jose Diaz

People also ask

Does Apache FTP client support SFTP?

Apache Commons VFS provides a single API for accessing various different file systems and one of them is SFTP.

What is FTPClient in Java?

FTPClient encapsulates all the functionality necessary to store and retrieve files from an FTP server. This class takes care of all low level details of interacting with an FTP server and provides a convenient higher level interface.

1 Answers

ftp4j provides FTPS functionality and is, IMHO, easier to work with than the apache commons ftp client. Ftp4j is under active development (not by me).

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Erik Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
