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Alternative to ui-grid(doesn't support angular2/4)



I am using ui-grid. We are migrating our project from angular 1 to 2, but ui-grid doesn't have angular 2 support. please suggest free (MIT) license grid alternative for ui-grid.

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kiran kumar Avatar asked Jun 14 '17 09:06

kiran kumar

People also ask

Is angular UI grid free?

Generic UI Data Grid is one of the best free grid library. Performance is the main focus point, grid is able to present huge sets of data up to 1 000 000 rows. It greatly integrates with the best javascript framework there is Angular. All of that makes this library a great free to use Angular data table component.

What is UI grid?

UI-Grid 3.0 (formerly ng-grid) is a 100% Angular grid written with no dependencies other than AngularJS. It is designed around a core grid module and features are layered as Angular modules and Directives. This keeps the core; small and focused, while executing very complex features only when you need them.

3 Answers

I was researching this recently, since I have an application that I used ui-grid on, and may be upgrading to angular 2 soon.

I've found...

Angular Datatables https://l-lin.github.io/angular-datatables/#/getting-started

ag-Grid which has a free version https://www.ag-grid.com/

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N8ALL3N Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10


I have implemented UI grid(AngularJS) into angular 2 using UpgradeModule and it is working fine, and I have also done some modification into that for gridOption which we can sent gridOption from typescript to UI grid.

Please find demo application : https://github.com/Umesh-Markande/Angular-4-Ui-grid

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Umesh Markande Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10

Umesh Markande

I know this is an old question but in case some people are still looking for alternatives...

I'm the author of Angular-Slickgrid, which is a wrapper on top of SlickGrid but specific for Angular, it is most probably the closest you can get to UI-Grid. There's over 300 stars for the project and it's very well maintained with lots of Wikis and samples, I have constantly added new features for the past 3 years since its creation and most UI-Grid features, and more, exists in Angular-Slickgrid. It also has 100% unit test coverage with Jest and also multiple E2E tests with Cypress.

Ag-Grid is another good alternatives but their best features are simply not free (quite expensive too) which is the biggest reason that I've built Angular-Slickgrid for our multiple projects.

See for yourself, here's a Live Demo with 30 different examples

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ghiscoding Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10
