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Altering a column: null to not null

I have a table that has several nullable integer columns. This is undesirable for several reasons, so I am looking to update all nulls to 0 and then set these columns to NOT NULL. Aside from changing nulls to 0, data must be preserved.

I am looking for the specific SQL syntax to alter a column (call it ColumnA) to "not null". Assume the data has been updated to not contain nulls.

Using SQL server 2000.

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Karmic Coder Avatar asked Mar 27 '09 13:03

Karmic Coder

People also ask

How do I change a column from NULL to not NULL?

All you need to do is to replace [Table] with the name of your table, [Col] with the name of your column and TYPE with the datatype of the column. Execute the command and you are allowed to use NULL values for the specified column. That is all it takes to switch between NULL and NOT NULL .

How do I change a column to NULL not NULL in MySQL?

To enforce NOT NULL for a column in MySQL, you use the ALTER TABLE .... MODIFY command and restate the column definition, adding the NOT NULL attribute.

How do I create a NOT NULL column to NULL in SQL Server?

Changing the data structure of a column in SQL Server from NULL to NOT NULL , thereby disallowing non-null values in that column, is generally performed using the relatively simple ALTER TABLE syntax to appropriately change the column in question.

How do you add NOT NULL constraints in existing columns?

To add not null constraint to an existing column in MySQL, we will use the ALTER command. This is a type of validation to restrict the user from entering null values.

2 Answers

I had the same problem, but the field used to default to null, and now I want to default it to 0. That required adding one more line after mdb's solution:

ALTER TABLE [Table] ADD CONSTRAINT [Constraint] DEFAULT 0 FOR [Column]; 
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Greg Dougherty Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10

Greg Dougherty

First, make all current NULL values disappear:

UPDATE [Table] SET [Column]=0 WHERE [Column] IS NULL 

Then, update the table definition to disallow "NULLs":

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mdb Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10
