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Alter database to match model

Originally, I used Data Modelling in MySQL Workbench to design a database consisting of a series of tables (i.e. the columns and relationships).

Then using Database -> Forward Engineer, I created a database, and inserted data into the tables.

Now I've realised that the model I've designed needs some changes, and so I've altered some tables by inserted columns. My question is, how do I get MySQL Workbench to alter the tables?

Using Database -> Synchronize Model, Update Source just generates a bunch of CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sql statements, and as the tables exist, nothing changes.

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Zeophlite Avatar asked Feb 08 '11 08:02


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2 Answers

What you are looking for is in the model menu Database / Synchronize model.

like image 84
David Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 06:10


As I couldn't get get File -> Export -> Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script to work, so I made a backup of the data, dropped the tables, recreated them, and then imported the data. I'd rather find a way to get MySQL Workbench to generate ALTER commands from the changes in my model

like image 41
Zeophlite Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10
