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Allowing one column to be edited but not another

i have an asp.net c# application.

my gridview has a datasource that has 2 fields.

1 field cannot be edited by the user, but i need the other one to be editable!

is this possible to do?

like image 517
Alex Gordon Avatar asked Oct 04 '11 21:10

Alex Gordon

1 Answers

Set the ReadOnly="true" property on all that you don't want editable.

Take a look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.boundfield.readonly.aspx

A quick example from that page

<asp:gridview id="CustomersGridView" 

      <asp:boundfield datafield="CustomerID" readonly="true" headertext="Customer ID"/>
      <asp:boundfield datafield="CompanyName" readonly="true" headertext="Customer Name"/>
      <asp:boundfield datafield="Address" headertext="Address"/>
      <asp:boundfield datafield="City" headertext="City"/>
      <asp:boundfield datafield="PostalCode" headertext="ZIP Code"/>

In this case CustomerID and Company name are read only and can't change. Address, City and PostalCode can be edited.

Just set the ReadOnly option to true on the columns you DON'T want people to edit. The columns that don't have this set or have ReadOnly set to false are editable by the user when in edit mode.

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Kirk Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09
