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"allowClearUserData" = "false" in the AndroidManifest.xml file

What is the allowClearUserData attribute do in the android manifest file?

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Ankit Goel Avatar asked Aug 09 '17 00:08

Ankit Goel

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1 Answers

The allowClearUserData is an option that let's the application specify if the user's data can/cannot be deleted. By default, this flag is set to true. However it can be changed to false. The attribute can be set for your app. However any other app cannot use this attribute to clear your app's user data.he attribute allows boolean value, that is either "true" or "false". If set to true, the application manager has the right to clear the data.


<application android:allowClearUserData=["true" | "false"] 

This must be placed within the android manifest file.

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Abhi Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 15:09
