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allocating an object of abstract class type error


Hi I'm getting the following error and am really unsure why.

class InteSiVis: public ofBaseApp //{ ,  public ofxMidiListener{ 

This occurs when I make class inresivis inherit from the ofxMidiListener class and I get the following error in the main source file

int main( ){

ofSetupOpenGL(1920,1080, OF_WINDOW);             ofRunApp( new InteSiVis()); // <-------- The error is here Allocating object of type abstract 


This is really confusing as I have tried this with another example in the exact way and do not get this error.

class testApp : public ofBaseApp, public ofxMidiListener {  int main(){     ofSetupOpenGL(640, 480, OF_WINDOW);     ofRunApp(new testApp()); } 

Could you give me an idea as to why I'm getting this error I'm calling the class in the exact same way. Thanks in advance.

///----------------------------------Edit InteSiVis.h

class InteSiVis: public ofBaseApp //{ ,  public ofxMidiListener{  public:     InteSiVis() ;      void setup();     void update();     void draw();     void exit();      void keyPressed(int key);     void keyReleased(int key);      // Make an Array of Particle Systems     vector<FluidBodySim> mArrayFluidBodySim;      FluidBodySim        mFluidBodySim       ;   ///< Simulation of fluid and rigid bodies      int                 mStatusWindow       ;   ///< Identifier for status window     unsigned            mFrame              ;   ///< Frame counter     double              mTimeNow            ;   ///< Current virtual time     int                 mMouseButtons[3]    ;   ///< Mouse buttons pressed     bool                mInitialized        ;   ///< Whether this application has been initialized     int                 mScenario           ;   ///< Which scenario is being simulated now  // Scene stuff     ofEasyCam mEasyCam;     ofLight light;  // Setting Shader stuff     ofShader shader;     ofxPostProcessing post;  // Sound      float   * lAudioOut; /* outputs */     float   * rAudioOut;      float * lAudioIn; /* inputs */     float * rAudioIn;      int     initialBufferSize; /* buffer size */     int     sampleRate;      double wave,sample,outputs[2];      maxiSample piano_A1, piano_AS1, piano_B1, piano_C1, piano_CS1, piano_D1, piano_DS1, piano_E1, piano_F1, piano_FS1, piano_G1, piano_GS1;      vector<maxiPitchStretch<grainPlayerWin>*> stretches;      maxiPitchStretch<grainPlayerWin> *ts, *ts2, *ts3, *ts4, *ts5;      int nAverages;     float *ifftOutput;     int ifftSize;  //    // Playing the Wav Files     void audioOut(float *output, int bufferSize, int nChannels);      double speed, grainLength, rate;      ofxMaxiFFT fft;     ofxMaxiFFTOctaveAnalyzer oct;     int current;     double pos;   } ; 


class testApp : public ofBaseApp, public ofxMidiListener {  public:      void setup();     void draw();     void exit();      void keyPressed(int key);     void keyReleased(int key);      void mouseMoved(int x, int y );     void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button);     void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button);     void mouseReleased();       stringstream text;      vector<ParticleSystem> ps;      //----------------------Sound---------------------------      void newMidiMessage(ofxMidiMessage& eventArgs);       ofxMidiIn midiIn;     ofxMidiOut midiOut;     ofxMidiMessage midiMessage;      void audioOut(float *output, int bufferSize, int nChannnels);  }; 

//----------------VIRTUAL FUNCTION vorticitydistribution.h

class IVorticityDistribution {     public:         virtual Vec3 GetDomainSize( void ) const = 0 ;         virtual void AssignVorticity( Vec3 & vorticity , const Vec3 & position , const Vec3 & vCenter ) const = 0 ; } ;  class JetRing : public IVorticityDistribution {     public:         /*! \brief Initialize parameters for a vortex ring (using a different formula from the other).              The vorticity profile resulting from this is such that the induced velocity is in [0,1].              \param fRadiusSlug - radius of central region where velocity is constant              \param fThickness - thickness of vortex ring, i.e. radius of annular core              \param vDirection - vector of ring axis, also vector of propagation              \param fSpeed   - speed of slug          */         JetRing( const float & fRadiusSlug , const float & fThickness , const Vec3 & vDirection )             : mRadiusSlug( fRadiusSlug )             , mThickness( fThickness )             , mRadiusOuter( mRadiusSlug + mThickness )             , mDirection( vDirection )         {         }          virtual Vec3 GetDomainSize( void ) const         {             const float boxSideLength   = 2.f * ( mRadiusOuter ) ;    // length of side of virtual cube             return Vec3( 1.0f , 1.0f , 1.0f ) * boxSideLength ;         }          virtual void AssignVorticity( Vec3 & vorticity , const Vec3 & position , const Vec3 & vCenter ) const         {  } ;