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All possible combinations from a hash of arrays in Ruby


What I have:

Let's say I have a hash like this, with various values belonging to one parameter.

a = {}
a[:bitrate] = ["100", "500", "1000"]
a[:fps] = ["15", "30"]
a[:qp] = ["20", "30"]

What I need:

I need some way to iteratively get all the possible combinations of these values, so, with all the parameter/value pairs:

  • bitrate = 100, fps = 15, qp = 20
  • bitrate = 500, fps = 15, qp = 30
  • ...

The number of parameters (i.e. the keys) and the number of values (i.e. the length of the value arrays) are not known beforehand. Ideally, I'd do something like:

a.foo do |ret|
  puts ret.keys   # => ["bitrate", "fps", "qp"]
  puts ret.values # => ["100", "15", "20"]

… where the block is called for each possible combination. How can I define foo?

What I (probably) don't need:

Now, I know this: Combine array of array into all possible combinations, forward only, in Ruby, suggesting something like:


But this operates on values and arrays in arrays only, and I need the original reference to the parameter's name.

like image 807
slhck Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 11:03


People also ask

Can a hash have multiple values Ruby?

Each key can only have one value. But the same value can occur more than once inside a Hash, while each key can occur only once.

How do you combine hashes in Ruby?

We can merge two hashes using the merge() method. When using the merge() method: Each new entry is added to the end. Each duplicate-key entry's value overwrites the previous value.

What is the difference between a hash and an array in Ruby?

Ruby's arrays and hashes are indexed collections. Both store collections of objects, accessible using a key. With arrays, the key is an integer, whereas hashes support any object as a key.

1 Answers

a = {}
a[:bitrate] = ["100", "500", "1000"]
a[:fps] = ["15", "30"]
a[:qp] = ["20", "30"]

def product_hash(hsh)
  attrs   = hsh.values
  keys    = hsh.keys
  product = attrs[0].product(*attrs[1..-1])
  product.map{ |p| Hash[keys.zip p] }


you'll get

[{:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20"},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30"},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20"},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30"},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20"},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30"},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20"},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30"},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20"},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30"},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20"},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30"}]

You can also add new key to your hash.

a = {}
a[:bitrate] = ["100", "500", "1000"]
a[:fps] = ["15", "30"]
a[:qp] = ["20", "30"]
a[:bw] = [true, false]


[{:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"100", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"500", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"20", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"15", :qp=>"30", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"20", :bw=>false},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30", :bw=>true},
 {:bitrate=>"1000", :fps=>"30", :qp=>"30", :bw=>false}]
like image 114
fl00r Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
