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All paths in directed tree graph from root to leaves in igraph R




Given is a tree:


# setup graph
g= graph.formula(A -+ B,
                 A -+ C,
                 B -+ C,
                 B -+ D,
                 B -+ E
plot(g, layout = layout.reingold.tilford(g, root="A"))

enter image description here

Vertex "A" is the root of the tree, while vertices "C", "D", "E" are considered as terminal leaves.


The task is to find all paths between root and leaves. I fail with following code, as it only provides the shortest paths:

# find root and leaves
leaves= which(degree(g, v = V(g), mode = "out")==0, useNames = T)
root= which(degree(g, v = V(g), mode = "in")==0, useNames = T)

# find all paths
paths= lapply(root, function(x) get.all.shortest.paths(g, from = x, to = leaves, mode = "out")$res)
named_paths= lapply(unlist(paths, recursive=FALSE), function(x) V(g)[x])


Vertex sequence:
[1] "A" "C"

Vertex sequence:
[1] "A" "B" "D"

Vertex sequence:
[1] "A" "B" "E"


How can I find all paths including the vertex sequence: "A" "B" "C"?

My understanding is, that the missing sequence "A" "B" "C" is not provided by get.all.shortest.paths() as the path from "A" to "C" via the vertex sequence: "A" "C" (which is found in list element $A1) is shorter. So igraph works properly. Nevertheless I am looking for a code solution to get all paths from the root to all leaves in form of a R list.


I am aware that for large trees the algorithm covering all combinations might become expensive, but my real application is relatively small.

like image 779
user2030503 Avatar asked Jul 14 '15 12:07


1 Answers

Based on Gabor's comment:

all_simple_paths(g, from = root, to = leaves)


+ 3/5 vertices, named:
[1] A B C

+ 3/5 vertices, named:
[1] A B D

+ 3/5 vertices, named:
[1] A B E

+ 2/5 vertices, named:
[1] A C
like image 76
user2030503 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
