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Algorithm to find lowest common ancestor in directed acyclic graph?

Imagine a directed acyclic graph as follows, where:

  • "A" is the root (there is always exactly one root)
  • each node knows its parent(s)
  • the node names are arbitrary - nothing can be inferred from them
  • we know from another source that the nodes were added to the tree in the order A to G (e.g. they are commits in a version control system)

Directed Acyclic Graph

What algorithm could I use to determine the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two arbitrary nodes, for example, the common ancestor of:

  • B and E is B
  • D and F is B


  • There is not necessarily a single path to a given node from the root (e.g. "G" has two paths), so you can't simply traverse paths from root to the two nodes and look for the last equal element
  • I've found LCA algorithms for trees, especially binary trees, but they do not apply here because a node can have multiple parents (i.e. this is not a tree)
like image 964
Andrew Swan Avatar asked Feb 13 '13 23:02

Andrew Swan

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What is LCA algorithm?

In ontologies, the lowest common ancestor is also known as the least common ancestor. In a tree data structure where each node points to its parent, the lowest common ancestor can be easily determined by finding the first intersection of the paths from v and w to the root.

What is an ancestor in a DAG?

The ancestors of a vertex v in a DAG is the set of all vertices v' != v such that v is reachable from v'. So in your example, the ancestors of 3 would be 1, 2, 4 and 5.

1 Answers

Den Roman's link (Archived version) seems promising, but it seemed a little bit complicated to me, so I tried another approach. Here is a simple algorithm I used:

Let say you want to compute LCA(x,y) with x and y two nodes. Each node must have a value color and count, resp. initialized to white and 0.

  1. Color all ancestors of x as blue (can be done using BFS)
  2. Color all blue ancestors of y as red (BFS again)
  3. For each red node in the graph, increment its parents' count by one

Each red node having a count value set to 0 is a solution.

There can be more than one solution, depending on your graph. For instance, consider this graph:

DAG example where LCA can have two values

LCA(4,5) possible solutions are 1 and 2.

Note it still work if you want find the LCA of 3 nodes or more, you just need to add a different color for each of them.

like image 151
Anthony Garcia-Labiad Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 23:09

Anthony Garcia-Labiad