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Algorithm to find keywords and keyphrases in a string

I need advice or directions on how to write an algorithm which will find keywords or keyphrases in a string.

The string contains:

  • Technical information written in English (GB)
  • Words are mostly separated by spaces
  • A keyword does not contain a space but it may contain a hyphen, apostrophe, colon etc.
  • A keyphrase may contain a space, a comma or other punctuation
  • If two or more keywords appear together then it is likely a keyphrase e.g. "inverter drive"
  • The text also contains HTML but this can be removed beforehand if necessary
  • Non-keywords would be words like "and", "the", "we", "see", "look" etc.
  • Keywords are case-insensitive e.g. "Inverter" and "inverter" are the same keyword

The algorithm has the following requirements:

  1. Operate in a batch-processing scenario e.g. run once or twice a day
  2. Process strings varying in length from roughly 200 to 7000 characters
  3. Process 1000 strings in less than 1 hour
  4. Will execute on a server with moderately good power
  5. Written in one of the following: C#, VB.NET, or T-SQL maybe even F#, Python or Lua etc.
  6. Does not rely on a list of predefined keywords or keyphrases
  7. But can rely on a list of keyword exclusions e.g. "and", "the", "go" etc.
  8. Ideally transferable to other languages e.g. doesn't rely on language-specific features e.g. metaprogramming
  9. Output a list of keyphrases (descending order of frequency) followed by a list of keywords (descending order of frequency)

It would be extra cool if it could process up to 8000 characters in a matter of seconds, so that it could be run in real-time, but I'm already asking enough!

Just looking for advice and directions:

  • Should this be regarded as two separate algorithms?
  • Are there any established algorithms which I could follow?
  • Are my requirements feasible?

Many thanks.

P.S. The strings will be retrieved from a SQL Server 2008 R2 database, so ideally the language would have support for this, if not then it must be able to read/write to STDOUT, a pipe, a stream or a file etc.

like image 715
Chris Cannon Avatar asked Jun 12 '12 22:06

Chris Cannon

People also ask

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Keywords refer to the important phrases/expressions that are representative of the underlying document. Keywords from a document can accurately describe the document's content and can facilitate fast information processing.

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1 Answers

The logic involved makes it complicated to be programmed in T-SQL. Choose a language like C#. First try to make a simple desktop application. Later, if you find that loading all the records to this application is too slow, you could write a C# stored procedure that is executed on the SQL-Server. Depending on the security policy of the SQL-Server, it will need to have a strong key.

To the algorithm now. A list of excluded words is commonly called a stop word list. If you do some googling for this search term, you might find stop word lists you can start with. Add these stop words to a HashSet<T> (I'll be using C# here)

// Assuming that each line contains one stop word.
HashSet<string> stopWords =
    new HashSet<string>(File.ReadLines("C:\stopwords.txt"), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Later you can look if a keyword candidate is in the stop word list with

If (!stopWords.Contains(candidate)) {
    // We have a keyword

HashSets are fast. They have an access time of O(1), meaning that the time required to do a lookup does not depend on the number items it contains.

Looking for the keywords can easily be done with Regex.

string text = ...; // Load text from DB
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(text, "[a-z]([:']?[a-z])*",
foreach (Match match in matches) {
    if (!stopWords.Contains(match.Value)) {
        ProcessKeyword(match.Value); // Do whatever you need to do here

If you find that a-z is too restrictive for letters and need accented letters you can change the regex expression to @"\p{L}([:']?\p{L})*". The character class \p{L} contains all letters and letter modifiers.

The phrases are more complicated. You could try to split the text into phrases first and then apply the keyword search on these phrases instead of searching the keywords in the whole text. This would give you the number of keywords in a phrase at the same time.

Splitting the text into phrases involves searching for sentences ending with "." or "?" or "!" or ":". You should exclude dots and colons that appear within a word.

string[] phrases = Regex.Split(text, @"[\.\?!:](\s|$)");

This searches punctuations followed either by a whitespace or an end of line. But I must agree that this is not perfect. It might erroneously detect abbreviations as sentence end. You will have to make experiments in order to refine the splitting mechanism.

like image 198
Olivier Jacot-Descombes Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10

Olivier Jacot-Descombes