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Algorithm to calculate the number of divisors of a given number

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How do you find the number of divisors of a given number?

The formula for calculating the total number of divisor of a number ′n′ where n can be represent as powers of prime numbers is shown as. If N=paqbrc . Then total number of divisors =(a+1)(b+1)(c+1).

Is there any way to calculate the number of divisors for a range of numbers faster?

The basic answer is to calculate the factorization of each number of interest, then use that to calculate the number of divisors: if the factorization is a^w * b^x * c^y * d^z then the number of divisors is (w+1) * (x+1) * (y+1) * (z+1). You can find the factorization in a couple of ways.

What is the formula of divisors?

What is the formula to find a divisor? If the remainder is 0, then Divisor = Dividend ÷ Quotient. If the remainder is not 0, then Divisor = (Dividend – Remainder) /Quotient.

Dmitriy is right that you'll want the Sieve of Atkin to generate the prime list but I don't believe that takes care of the whole issue. Now that you have a list of primes you'll need to see how many of those primes act as a divisor (and how often).

Here's some python for the algo Look here and search for "Subject: math - need divisors algorithm". Just count the number of items in the list instead of returning them however.

Here's a Dr. Math that explains what exactly it is you need to do mathematically.

Essentially it boils down to if your number n is:
n = a^x * b^y * c^z
(where a, b, and c are n's prime divisors and x, y, and z are the number of times that divisor is repeated) then the total count for all of the divisors is:
(x + 1) * (y + 1) * (z + 1).

Edit: BTW, to find a,b,c,etc you'll want to do what amounts to a greedy algo if I'm understanding this correctly. Start with your largest prime divisor and multiply it by itself until a further multiplication would exceed the number n. Then move to the next lowest factor and times the previous prime ^ number of times it was multiplied by the current prime and keep multiplying by the prime until the next will exceed n... etc. Keep track of the number of times you multiply the divisors together and apply those numbers into the formula above.

Not 100% sure about my algo description but if that isn't it it's something similar .

There are a lot more techniques to factoring than the sieve of Atkin. For example suppose we want to factor 5893. Well its sqrt is 76.76... Now we'll try to write 5893 as a product of squares. Well (77*77 - 5893) = 36 which is 6 squared, so 5893 = 77*77 - 6*6 = (77 + 6)(77-6) = 83*71. If that hadn't worked we'd have looked at whether 78*78 - 5893 was a perfect square. And so on. With this technique you can quickly test for factors near the square root of n much faster than by testing individual primes. If you combine this technique for ruling out large primes with a sieve, you will have a much better factoring method than with the sieve alone.

And this is just one of a large number of techniques that have been developed. This is a fairly simple one. It would take you a long time to learn, say, enough number theory to understand the factoring techniques based on elliptic curves. (I know they exist. I don't understand them.)

Therefore unless you are dealing with small integers, I wouldn't try to solve that problem myself. Instead I'd try to find a way to use something like the PARI library that already has a highly efficient solution implemented. With that I can factor a random 40 digit number like 124321342332143213122323434312213424231341 in about .05 seconds. (Its factorization, in case you wondered, is 29*439*1321*157907*284749*33843676813*4857795469949. I am quite confident that it didn't figure this out using the sieve of Atkin...)


Your divisors function has a bug in that it does not work correctly for perfect squares.


int divisors(int x) {
    int limit = x;
    int numberOfDivisors = 0;

    if (x == 1) return 1;

    for (int i = 1; i < limit; ++i) {
        if (x % i == 0) {
            limit = x / i;
            if (limit != i) {

    return numberOfDivisors;

I disagree that the sieve of Atkin is the way to go, because it could easily take longer to check every number in [1,n] for primality than it would to reduce the number by divisions.

Here's some code that, although slightly hackier, is generally much faster:

import operator
# A slightly efficient superset of primes.
def PrimesPlus():
  yield 2
  yield 3
  i = 5
  while True:
    yield i
    if i % 6 == 1:
      i += 2
    i += 2
# Returns a dict d with n = product p ^ d[p]
def GetPrimeDecomp(n):
  d = {}
  primes = PrimesPlus()
  for p in primes:
    while n % p == 0:
      n /= p
      d[p] = d.setdefault(p, 0) + 1
    if n == 1:
      return d
def NumberOfDivisors(n):
  d = GetPrimeDecomp(n)
  powers_plus = map(lambda x: x+1, d.values())
  return reduce(operator.mul, powers_plus, 1)

ps That's working python code to solve this problem.