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algorithm for nth_element


I have recently found out that there exists a method called nth_element in the STL. To quote the description:

Nth_element is similar to partial_sort, in that it partially orders a range of elements: it arranges the range [first, last) such that the element pointed to by the iterator nth is the same as the element that would be in that position if the entire range [first, last) had been sorted. Additionally, none of the elements in the range [nth, last) is less than any of the elements in the range [first, nth).

It claims to have O(n) complexity on average. How does the algorithm work? I could not find any explanation for it.

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martinus Avatar asked Mar 06 '10 12:03


People also ask

How is nth_element implemented?

The nth_element function is typically implemented using Introselect, which brings the average complexity down to O(n).

How does nth element work c++?

If you only want to move the n-th element into place, instead of recursing into both sub-arrays, you can tell in every step whether you will need to descend into the left or right sub-array. (You know this because the n-th element in a sorted array has index n so it becomes a matter of comparing indices.)

What is nth element?

nth_element is a partial sorting algorithm that rearranges elements in [first, last) such that: The element pointed at by nth is changed to whatever element would occur in that position if [first, last) were sorted.

How do you find the nth element of an array in C++?

Here, we have passed greater () as binary function, so now nth element will be the one which should be at the nth place if we sort the given array in descending order, so first n elements will be the first n largest elements. It can be used to find the median of the elements given.

2 Answers

It's called a selection algorithm and wikipedia has a decent page on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_algorithm

Also read about order statistics: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_statistic

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IVlad Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09


Most likely the median-of-medians algo.


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Dave Gamble Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Dave Gamble