I have an array of a few million numbers.
double* const data = new double (3600000);
I need to iterate through the array and find the range (the largest value in the array minus the smallest value). However, there is a catch. I only want to find the range where the smallest and largest values are within 1,000 samples of each other.
So I need to find the maximum of: range(data + 0, data + 1000), range(data + 1, data + 1001), range(data + 2, data + 1002), ...., range(data + 3599000, data + 3600000).
I hope that makes sense. Basically I could do it like above, but I'm looking for a more efficient algorithm if one exists. I think the above algorithm is O(n), but I feel that it's possible to optimize. An idea I'm playing with is to keep track of the most recent maximum and minimum and how far back they are, then only backtrack when necessary.
I'll be coding this in C++, but a nice algorithm in pseudo code would be just fine. Also, if this number I'm trying to find has a name, I'd love to know what it is.
Suppose we divided the array into two equal parts and calculated the max difference of the left and right parts recursively. Then the max diff of the overall array will be the maximum of these three possibilities : max difference crossing the left and the right part.
Given an array A [] of integers, write a program to find the maximum difference between any two elements such that the larger element appears after the smaller element. In other words, we need to find max (A [j] - A [i]), where A [j] > A [i] and j > i. Explanation: Maximum difference is between 9 and 1.
And the function declaration becomes: struct pair getMinMax (int arr [], int n) where arr [] is the array of size n whose minimum and maximum are needed. Initialize values of min and max as minimum and maximum of the first two elements respectively.
Divide the array into two parts and compare the maximums and minimums of the two parts to get the maximum and the minimum of the whole array. Total number of comparisons: let the number of comparisons be T (n). T (n) can be written as follows: Thus, the approach does 3n/2 -2 comparisons if n is a power of 2.
This type of question belongs to a branch of algorithms called streaming algorithms. It is the study of problems which require not only an O(n) solution but also need to work in a single pass over the data. the data is inputted as a stream to the algorithm, the algorithm can't save all of the data and then and then it is lost forever. the algorithm needs to get some answer about the data, such as for instance the minimum or the median.
Specifically you are looking for a maximum (or more commonly in literature - minimum) in a window over a stream.
Here's a presentation on an article that mentions this problem as a sub problem of what they are trying to get at. it might give you some ideas.
I think the outline of the solution is something like that - maintain the window over the stream where in each step one element is inserted to the window and one is removed from the other side (a sliding window). The items you actually keep in memory aren't all of the 1000 items in the window but a selected representatives which are going to be good candidates for being the minimum (or maximum).
read the article. it's abit complex but after 2-3 reads you can get the hang of it.
The algorithm you describe is really O(N), but i think the constant is too high. Another solution which looks reasonable is to use O(N*log(N)) algorithm the following way:
* create sorted container (std::multiset) of first 1000 numbers
* in loop (j=1, j<(3600000-1000); ++j)
- calculate range
- remove from the set number which is now irrelevant (i.e. in index *j - 1* of the array)
- add to set new relevant number (i.e. in index *j+1000-1* of the array)
I believe it should be faster, because the constant is much lower.
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