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alfresco database



How can we extend the Alfresco database? I need to add new tables to the existing database structure.

Does alfresco support this?

thanks in advance, sri..

like image 752
Srinath Avatar asked Nov 27 '22 08:11


2 Answers

I think changing the alfresco db model is never a good solution. Some alfresco upgrades are made using Schema Upgrade Scripts, and that could get messy.

Have you tried to extend the alfresco content model? Alfresco support some data types, allowing you to persist data. The Web Script framework allow you manipulate all your data inside your content model.

If your data is not suitable for a "content model", I think you should create a new database to hold your data.

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pedrofalcaocosta Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 09:12


Well, it is just a database. So you can create as many new tables as you want just like you would in any other database. Obviously Alfresco won't use them because it doesn't know them, but you can query the tables as you like.

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Hugo Palma Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 09:12

Hugo Palma